Saturday, April 13, 2013

An Unexpected Star is Shining


How Latest Fads Hurt Public Education and Everybody

By Harry M. Covert

Problems in public schools most of the time come from those who manage them, not the teachers most of whom are stymied by highly-paid administrators engrossed in political correctness.

Rushern BakerIf there is one bright star on the horizon for future high office, it is Prince Georges County, MD.,, County Executive Rushern Baker.

The county was in turmoil of corruption from the very top when he was elected. Confidently, Mr. Baker took command and grabbed the reins of government in what was previously seen as an ungovernable county.

In a move that should certainly make other Maryland county executives and elected and appointed education officials take serious notice, Mr. Baker added the school system to his already busy portfolio. He did it swiftly as Prince Georges school board was about to hire a new superintendent.

Now, Mr. Baker will decide that the title will be Chief Executive Officer of schools answering directly to him, the county executive in all educational matters.

How he pulled this off is exciting and hopeful. The governor and general assembly acceded promptly. It is another solid reason why school boards should not be elected nor be run as fiefdoms.

Frederick County soon will be moving to a county executive style of government. While that battle will be something, whoever becomes the lord of the manor or lord high elk should immediately move to run the school system and handle the budgets, forthwith and appoint the boards.

How to Hide the Issues

Politicians in the state house use the most recent fads of the time to obfuscate real problems facing cities, towns and counties. Just for starters they rail against the business of disarming the citizenry because of the bad guys and gals, ban the death penalty, follow the crowd on gay marriage. Are all these good for the ordinary taxpayers and non-taxpayers? They’re the actions of people whose only thoughts are getting elected and re-elected.

Management of community colleges should be another major target. State and community governments contribute to the operating budgets but have no say-so in who are fired and hired.

The governor appointed the members of the community college boards, for example the ones in Frederick County. The local college has run amok with dismissing of its president in January after a six-month tenure. No evidence ever appeared of any wrong-doing of the man who was popular with the students and worked in the community.

Somehow, without explanation, the board removed the president. From then to now the trustees have remained silent as to the reason. Even those with “noses for the nasty” find this action hard to believe. The matter may well be simple but the taxpayers should be let in on the secret.

Supposedly neither the governor nor the county’s commissioner president can get involved.

Credit the Fourth Estate with trying to get to the bottom of this lurid effort. The judicial system probably will have the final say. That’s sad because it could have been cleared up at the beginning. It’s the public’s business.

It is surprising that the State’s Attorney General hasn’t sent his investigators to the Frederick Community College campus for a little chat.

Somewhat disconcerting too is that Frederick’s General Assembly members have been so quiet.

Those entrusted with the public good ought to act responsibly and stop hiding out, acting as if they are private domains.

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Monday, April 1, 2013

Grandma Ruth’s Easter Bread Pudding


By Dimples Dinwiddie Prichard

clip_image002Easter was special in my Virginia family because it was always at Grandma Ruth's and Granddaddy's house at Big Bethel, a government installation in Hampton that supplied all water going to all military installations on our Virginia Peninsula.

After church my family would get in the car, after packing play clothes for my sister and me.  We headed for the fresh air of the country atmosphere and the warmth and wonderfully delightful aromas of Grandma Ruth's kitchen. 

We always wore our Easter finery so we could bask in the nod and smile of approval from my grandfather and the dear hugs and genuine compliments of Grandma Ruth, working, of course in the kitchen to make a dinner worthy of praise that surpassed any that had come before this one. 

My two uncles, just a bit older than my sister and I, would come running to the house at the sight of the car turning in the driveway.  Always wanting to know if we had brought our play clothes, they weren't much for compliments on girls’ clothing but on whether or not we would be ready for play after dinner.  We always were.

I was more of the adventurous type than my little sister who was content to just be there, run the trains in the basement and not outside catching baby eels in the apron of the spillway or in warmer months, tadpoles.  She liked staying clean more than I did, while I liked keeping up with the boys. 

But the powerful aromas from the kitchen would draw me back inside sooner than the boys were ready to go in.  I was about ten when I started paying more and more attention to what Grandma was making, especially on those holidays where she always outdid herself.

Easter dessert was always bread pudding, with an apple pie on the side for those that might have that with coffee a few hours after dinner.  But bread pudding was always the specialty served after Easter plates were cleared.

Tradition and security went hand in hand at the Dinwiddie house. It was good to know what dessert followed dinner. It was mandatory to have good table manners at grandfather’s table.  For those who favor a good bread pudding dish here is her recipe, from her heart to mine and from mine to yours:

Grandma Ruth's Bread Pudding

• Grease baking pan or dish with sweet butter. 

• Crumble three or four slices of white bread in small cubes (remove the top crust ).

• Add a lump of butter in a mixing bowl.

This presented a problem since I didn't know how much a lump was, but I learned from her demonstration. 

• Cup your hand and fill the bowl that your hand makes up to the first knuckle of your fingers.  That's a lump.  

• Put it in the bowl along with four eggs, 1 cup of sugar or in these times Splenda, in case you can't or don't want to eat too much sugar. 

• Two teaspoons of vanilla, (real, not imitation) two or three cups of milk, whole or 2%, beat with your mixer until nicely blended.  Pour over the fresh bread crumbles until nearly covered, sprinkle thoroughly with nutmeg over the entire top. 

• Place in a water bath, otherwise known as another larger pan of water. Water should reach about 3/4th of the way up the dish containing the unbaked pudding.  Put in a 350 degree preheated oven. Bake for one hour or until a silver knife comes out clean.  

• Remove pudding dish first and place it on a rack. It should be just the right temperature for eating after dinner.  Take the water bath out carefully to avoid any spills or burns and pour the water in the sink. 

Grandma also lent me her secret ingredient that Granddad liked but didn't think was appropriate for children.  Rum soaked raisins.  1 cup of raisins, covered with your taste in rum, light or dark.  Let sit overnight until rum is absorbed and raisins are plump, pour out excess rum or save it for a white sauce.  Let raisins dry somewhat in the air and before adding to pudding mixture, coat with flour to keep them from all going to the bottom.

Make any recipe for dessert white sauce and add rum mixing by hand.  Pour over a dish of bread pudding and if needed or wanted add a good-sized dollop of vanilla ice cream.  I got my first taste of that after I was married and no longer considered a child.  It suited me as much as it did my Granddad!  Good with a fresh cup of coffee!

Eat...and be happy!  Happy Easter.

Sepi Prichard grew up in Newport News, Va. Her maiden name is Dimples Dinwiddie. She is an outstanding kitchen expert and has maintained family recipes that still mesmerize family and friends. She resides in Charlotte, N.C., with her husband.