Sunday, March 31, 2013

Dr. Ashbury’s Easter ‘Immortality’

By Maurice Dunbar Ashbury

Matt. 22:32   "God is not the God of the dead, but of the living."

clip_image003These are words of our Lord Jesus Christ. He used them in answer to a question concern­ing the resurrection. The question was raised by the Sadducees, who were the materialists of their day, and who said that there was no resurrection. To these first century skeptics who denied the life beyond the grave, he said: "Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures nor the power of God."

Today multitudes all over the world meet together to give thanks and praise God for the victory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ over death through the Resurrection. It is an occasion for great rejoicing, because the longing of the heart of man finds an answer in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Now we know that our lives will not end when we leave these earthly bodies, but that we shall enter upon a far more glorious life than we have known in the flesh.

I. Reason compels us to believe the truth of life beyond. This much at least is certain: Science has discovered no fact of nature that puts any obstacle in the way of believing in the soul's eternal life. The anatomist who dissects a human body may declare that he finds there no evidence of an immortal soul. But he must also admit that he finds there nothing to explain a mother's love, nothing to explain the genius of an artist, nothing to explain the prayers of a saint. He finds only a cast-off instrument of highly perishable material. And how the departed tenant of that cold and decaying form ever made its fingers perform feats of skill, and its eyes flash messages of love, ever made its tongue sing praises to God and its pulses leap with ecstasy in response to thoughts and feelings he cannot determine through physics or chemistry;

Personality is not an attribute of matter. You may smash a musician's violin with a club. Yet you have not destroyed the genius of the artist who played it. He can get another instrument. You may kill my body with a bullet, but you cannot so destroy the soul that for a timer has used this body. That soul will have another instrument for use in another realm.

If nature does not prove the soul's immortality, at least it offers no evidence to the contrary, and by many analogies it suggests the likelihood that the life of man has a higher goal than the dust of the grave.

Can it be that our Maker has no use for the finest product of his creation? Morally we are bound to object to such a conclusion. Within us and all about us we find reason to believe that God is just. Yet in this world we see many inequalities that demands a life beyond this life for their correction. Is 40 there no reward for the saintly martyr? Is there no retribution for the heartless-libertine? If there be a just God there must be a time beyond this time for moral readjustments.

II. The heart of man no less than his reason bears witness to the life beyond. There are many matters concerning which the testimony of the heart is more valid and convincing than the testimony of the mind.

I am persuaded of the beauty of sunsets: of the sweetness of music, of the worth of purity and unselfishness and love, not by the logic of reason, but by the feelings that surge through my heart.

Just why God made us we may not know, but we know that he has taught us to love Him and to love one another, and love requires more time than earth's brief day for its fulfillment. What sort of a God would he be who would endow his creatures with tender hearts, and bind them to one another and to himself with strong and sacred ties, only to send grim death to snap these precious bonds and tear heartstrings to shreds with no promise of comfort or reunion?

III  . But the crowning and all sufficient evidence of life beyond the veil is not in these intimations, but in the witness of the Lord Jesus Christ, who not only taught but demonstrated in the most dramatic and conclusive way the fact that physical death cannot destroy the human soul.

Jesus was put to death in the presence of a host of witnesses. His friends were there, and His enemies. With the white light of such publicity turned full upon him, the Man of Nazareth, whose fame filled all the land, was nailed to a Cross. When death had ended his physical anguish, his body was removed to a tomb by the order of a Roman governor. The details of his death and burial are recorded in the noblest and most reliable narratives that have come down from antiquity. Three days later his tomb was found empty, and during a period of forty days he appeared repeatedly to his disciples, who with detailed accounts of what He did and said reported the fact of their Lord's resurrection to all the world.

"Because I live,” he said to his disciples, "ye too shall live." And in the very hour that his enemies were plotting his death, he said to those who loved him: "Let not your heart be troubled. Ye believe in God; believe also in me; In My Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And. if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also."

With faith in Him, we journey on with singing hearts and a passion to do his will: And yonder, at the end of the lane, we see no grim portals of death, but a veil of light, and beyond the veil, and sharing his glory, we see the smiling faces of our loved ones gone ahead, in whose restored companionship we shall someday find another glorious proof of our Redeemer's love:

"For God is not the God of the dead, but of the living." Amen.


John W. Ashbury, Editor/Founder of The Tentacle, is a distinguished former newspaperman. He is cataloguing the sermons of his late father, the Rev. Maurice Dunbar Ashbury, a native of Portsmouth, Va., and a 1930 graduate and professor at Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria, Va.

Dr. Ashbury came to Frederick, Md., as rector of All Saints Church where he ministered for some 40 years and was a beloved church and community leader.

This Easter Sermon was first preached at St. John’s, Petersburg, Va., and Old Sapony, McKenney, Va., on April 12, 1942. The message was last preached at All Saints Church, Frederick, Md., on April 13, 1952.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

What’s Humane in Execution?

The Bid for Justice or Mercy

By Harry M. Covert

Except in special cases seldom does the death penalty bring about much conversation pro and con on all sides of the political spectrum. It’s not a cut and dried matter and must not be taken lightly.
Sometimes invitations have been made available to view the “needle-in-the arm” practices. Most of the people I know who have the opportunity don’t accept and there are good reasons.
Of late, Maryland’s legislators have voted to end the death penalty. The governor says he’ll sign the bill. At the same time, those on the State’s condemned list will be commuted to life sentences.

Virginia’s legislative agenda shows no sign of repeal.

It’s disturbing that men and women can sit on death row for years and years and then be executed. The question is not an easy one neither is it pleasant for all involved.

Many citizens feel judges and others in the judicial system are without feelings imposing capital punishment. But they do have sensitivities as they “do their job” as well as the families of the perpetrators and victims.

Texas and Virginia seem to be the leaders in the execution business. The latest was in the electric chair, chosen by the man of the hour who cavalierly said he was going on a ride with Jesus.

Reports following the Maryland decision were that only 46 states will not exercise such activity this year 2013. Virginia has eight candidates on death row. All told 19 people in four states await their payment for heinous crimes.

The rightness and wrongness of the practice, established legal by the nation’s Supreme Court, seldom comes back for high-powered debate until a doomed individual is found innocent.

There is always an effort for wit and levity when a high profile murderer meets the end. It’s a horrifying thing to watch the hangings or shootings of the vilest like Saddam Hussein, Osama bin laden or John Allen Muhammad, the Beltway sniper who killed 10. His penalty was carried out on Nov. 10, 2009.

There are many more who are probably worthy of the judiciary’s most severe judgment. Inequities abound in the penalty that causes great concern. In a sensational Delaware case the former state attorney general from a leading family was sentenced to death for killing 
his girlfriend. Sentenced to death it was later commuted to life.

It’s easy to say “life is not fair”. It certainly isn’t. Take the matter of a major big time Mafiosi who controlled gambling, bootlegging, prostitution and murders of opponents s headed to federal court.

Reporters surrounded him and asked if he wanted justice, “No, mercy.”

That’s what he got, mercy in the form of a few months in federal prison.

The death penalty debate shouldn’t be a liberal or conservative matter. The question? What’s fair in all 50 states, red and blue?

Is there such a thing as a humane hanging, a humane electrocution, a humane firing squad or a humane lethal injection?

Friday, March 22, 2013

Covert Matters Digest

When First Responders Work Together

Miracles for Officer Peter Laboy

By Harry M. Covert


“Officer down. Officer Down.”

Those words shrieked a few weeks ago over police radio. Terror echoed in the hearts and minds of all law enforcement, especially those in Alexandria’s public safety agencies.

peterlaboyrecovery_10895075Moments following the chilling broadcast on Feb. 27, city police, sheriff’s deputies and fire department and emergency sprang into action.

These prompt reactions brought about the miraculous life-saving efforts for Officer Peter Labor. Further radio transmissions let to the rapid capture of the man charged with the nonsensical shooting on Washington Street, near Lyles-Crouch Traditional School.

Motorcycle Officer Laboy, a 17-year veteran, had reacted to a police call about a suspicious vehicle. He saw the vehicle, a yellow-colored taxi van on Washington Street. He stopped it. Moments later his life changed.

Sheriff’s Deputy Sgt. Anthony Zygmunt, on his motorcycle unit, heard the call and raced to the scene where he found Officer Laboy lying in the street.

As other police arrived, Sergeant Zygmunt took over the traffic post and suddenly sees the yellow van pass the scene. He notified police immediately. Another veteran Deputy Michael Cole gave chase along with Fairfax County police down the George Washington Parkway.

Quick action, too, by Fire Chief Adam Thiel’s first responders did incredible work and prepared the critically-injured Officer Laboy for the emergency helicopter flight to the Washington Medical Center.

Laboy suffered a .9mm shot to his head.

The story though is about the rapid response for Officer Laboy, 47, by his official and unofficial families in Alexandria.

Understandable “panic” turned to efficient reactions, concerns and prayers by citizens everywhere. The outpouring of support for the officer is heart-warming and a credit to the people of Alexandria and northern Virginia.

Daily reports from Police Chief Earl Cook, doctors and family describe Laboy’s recovery “miraculous”.

Doctors say recovery from such head wounds take long periods time. He has been examined by some 100 specialists who acknowledge that support from his wife, sons and friends have Laboy moving his arms and fingers talking. Fantastic signs that portend to great recovery.

The quality of the men and women in Alexandria’s police department, Sheriff’s Office and Fire Department can be ranked with the best, if not the best around Virginia and the nation. Imagine having to risk your life every time you go to work? They do.

The city’s first responders are incredible in their jobs and I’m prejudiced in their favor.

It’s a pleasure to see Officer Peter Laboy recovering. One day he’ll be back on his motorcycle.

Sheriff Dana Lawhorne, for whom I toiled a while, emphasized to me “The story needs to be about Peter and the Alexandria Police Department.” I know that. I’m also proud of the effectiveness of the Sheriff’s Office and Fire Department and Emergency Services.

This article has appeared in the Alexandria Gazette-Packet.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Quality of America’s Cardinals

My Word

Stars of Bells, Balls & Books

By Harry M. Covert
In light of recent international events I confess here and now that my favorite Cardinals have always been Americans.  First is a favorite son of Donora, Pa., and the other from Boston, Mass.  There is a third American now on my list but more about that later. 

Each of these Cardinals are examples of quality individuals who have made differences in the lives of all they touch. These talents have been easily forgotten in these times of alleged progressiveness. Social turmoil bubbles everywhere we turn in Maryland, Virginia and the Nation’s Capital. 

Community leaders and politicians may think they have the answers with all kinds of laws. But, they don’t.
It’s easy to wonder and consider if modern citizens can or will survive in the long-term. I am a firm believer in the powers of hope, determination and a fact that the majorities of people are good, smart and won’t allow the meanness and ignorance out there on the streets to become the status quo. It’s a tough job, though
One of the joys of freedom is a free press. I know sometimes those doing the writing and editing go off half-cocked, especially when we disagree. The free flow of ideas guarantees that such freedom is priceless. 

The only Cardinal I know from Pennsylvania is the late Stan Musial, baseball Hall of Famer, harmonica player and recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Not only was Musial a truly great athlete, he was a truly great person of high personal values. Never a taint of untoward conduct, never ejected from a game and never argued over a strike. 

Musial died at 92 on Jan. 13 this year. His prestigious medal came in 2011. 

My second favorite Cardinal is Stephen Fermoyle. The Boston Roman Catholic priest created from the pen of Henry Morton Robinson. His book, The Cardinal, Fermoyle’s career began as a lowly curate and advanced to the College of Cardinals. 

This fictional story was published in 1950. The author must have been prescient.In my mind Robinson created the 266th Pope 63 years ago in the character of Stephen Fermoyle.

The former Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, archbishop of Buenos Aires, sure seems ready, able and willing to straighten out the mess embroiling his church. 

Fermoyle faced all of the challenges of a young man in his religious experience. His personal battles over a priestly lifestyle and how he maintained his principles and character are evident today. 

Maryland is known as a Catholic state and must be rejoicing with the rest of the Americas, both north and south, and around the world. A new day has come. No doubt major changes are en route, a healthier atmosphere is just around the corner. 

As a non-Catholic the new look of the Holy See effects Christians of all denominations. Churches, leaders and members who besmirch values they say they hold dear will be watching. 

Viva il Papa, Stan the Man and Stephen Fermoyle. 

[Note: Robinson's novel was based on the life of Cardinal Francis Spellman, then the Archbishop of New York. The Vatican's liaison officer for the 1963 film was Joseph Ratzinger, later to become Pope Benedict XVI.]
This article has appeared in The Tentacle.-

Saturday, March 16, 2013

What’s in a Name? Where’s Integrity?

 Washington Redskins’ Name


Hanging on ‘Parsimoniously’ to a Brand


George Preston Marshall and Shirley Povich

By Roy Meachum

Not for the first time, there’s a movement afoot to change the name of Washington’s staunch NFL subsidiary, to something else, less offensive to American Natives. Only real Indians didn’t start the movement.

My friend and erstwhile colleague, the late Washington Post sports columnist Shirley Povich, detested George Preston Marshall who started the team--and until his death was the only stockholder of importance. I never understood.  Above all else, the West Virginia native was a serious businessman. His father started Palace Laundries; by the time he died, the son inherited about 100 locations. His Seventh Street office, where I first met him, was over-towered by a building cleaning and starching shirts and other items.

Mr. Marshall—I never called him George—was an unabashed miser; it can be strenuously argued that his cause of entry into professional sports, in the late 1920s: the price was right. He tried basketball first in Washington and soon gave up. Boston was a hot-bed sports town; they had two major league baseball teams. Trying to capitalize on the popularity of the Braves, his football club was named for the MLB team, until there was a dispute and he was forced to change the practicing to Red Sox’s Fenway Field. The Redskins were hanging on to the brand name, parsimoniously. 

Shuffling Off From Boston to the Nation’s Capital

Disgusted with Bostonians’ non-appearances at games, Mr. Marshall shuffled to Washington where he owned all the laundries. Ever the promoter, he established not only the NFL first marching band and cheerleaders, but the ladies were attired in long faux leather dresses and wigs so they were seen as Indians; the musicians wore similar uniforms feathers. 

As a part of the promotional effort, he created a radio network to carry the games in the South, where there were no franchises when the broadcasts began. Television came later. Keeping in mind his stinginess, in those pre-integration years, he refused to sign an African American player, which made Shirley Povich mad as hell. He lost “Hail to the Redskins” to the Dallas Cowboys. Clint Murchison Jr. had bought it from song’s composer, Barnee Briskin, who conducted the Griffith Park strings and brass. It was held in hostage until Mr. Marshall agreed to NFL team in Texas, shattering his self-imposed segregation—and insuring the perpetual ire of Shirley Povich.

A few years later, I returned as a Washington Post reporter, which caused me to doubt my youth’s hero. On an assignment to the National Gallery of Art, I was latched onto by Branch Rickey, everywhere recognized as the integrator of major league baseball, through Jackie Robinson. On my way through the sports department, I excitedly announced my “scoop” to Shirley. He lambasted Mr. Rickey with dirty language, as integrating “nothing.”

When I was the public relations man for the National Symphony Orchestra, I invited news photographers in to announce the musicians would be playing at the Redskins half-time. By chance--I had no influence--the Daily News editors decided to run Conductor Howard Mitchell in feather headdress on the tabloid’s front cover, which brought me lunches at Mr. Marshall’s well-fed table. I also received season tickets for several years, until I moved out of town.

The Washington NFL owner became my friend, more so than when he mentioned Leon Bakst; the dance designer moved to Hollywood when the Ballet Russes de Monte Carlo died. I knew him from my several years administrating Marjorie Merriweather Post’s National Ballet Foundation. Mr. Marshall shared other adventures.

I can’t imagine the man inventing the name coming up with an exception to changing Redskins—unless it cost business and most of all, profits.
Roy Meachum lives in Frederick, Md. He has had a distinguished print and broadcast career for many years at The Washington Post,  Frederick News-Post and WTOP-TV, forerunner to WUSA-TV/ and a long career in diplomacy. This column appeared in last week’s The Tentacle.

It’s integrity stupid!

Battle over Guns Troubles Politicians

A State Senator’s Deception

By Karl Bickel
For those of us old enough to recall the 1992 presidential election, many can remember references to a sign in Bill Clinton’s campaign headquarters. It is said to have read “its the economy stupid.” It helped to maintain focus and served as a constant reminder of the biggest problem of the day.

Of course, as a point to focus on, the economy is no less important today. That having been said, another sign that should grace, campaign headquarters and politician’s offices is “its integrity stupid.” Integrity or the lack thereof, among our elected officials, is as big a problem as the economy and undoubtedly a contributing factor in our troubling fiscal situation. 

Confidence in our elected representatives is at an all-time low, exemplified by congresses ranking of dead last in Gallup’s 2012 poll on public confidence in institutions.

If “your word is your bond,” how can we possibly have confidence in our political representatives if we can’t believe what they say, if their honesty, their integrity, is called into question?

On February 27th, in support of the licensing portion of Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley’s gun control proposal, Senator Brian Frosh-D of Montgomery County claimed “It reduces crime when people have to get these licenses.” He reportedly supported his contention by stating that Connecticut, New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts, with laws similar to that being proposed in Maryland have lower rates (presumably than Maryland) of gun violence.

Every morning my alarm clock goes off and shortly thereafter the sun comes up. Senator Frosh does not provide any evidence that crime is impacted by the governor’s proposed licensing provision any more than the impact my alarm clock has on the morning’s sunrise.

The aforementioned states do have lower rates of gun violence than Maryland. But since Maryland is ranked #3 in gun violence, according to a web site dedicated to making state comparisons, 42 other states have lower rates of gun violence as well. This is in spite of Maryland’s already more restrictive gun laws.

Also worth mentioning, Vermont and Alaska, states that don’t even require a license to carry a concealed firearm in public, rank #50 and #45 respectively, yet I make no claim that unlicensed carrying of a concealed weapon leads to lower gun crime rates. As in the senator’s example there may be a bit of a correlation but clearly no evidence of a cause and effect.

My point is the senator made claims, claims in support of legislation he was supportive of, claims that are just not true. Now had it not been for the fact that the senator ventured into an area in which I have some knowledge, crime and criminals, I would not have been aware of the deception.

This begs the question; do we believe anything our politicians’ say once we have direct knowledge of their propensity for deception? Since most of what they say will be outside of our base of direct knowledge, we must have some confidence in their honesty, their integrity?

Lately it seems that more and more that confidence is lost, replaced by doubt. Its integrity stupid!


Karl Bickel is a former detective with Washington’s Metropolitan Police Department, assistant professor of criminal justice and former second in command of the Frederick County Maryland Sheriff’s Office.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

How to Correct Unruly Students?

Home-Training and the Most Wanted List
Keeping abreast of off-kilter conduct
By Harry M. Covert

Crime runs rampant these days and it’s not the blame of the media, or local, state and national financial crises or because school teachers and administrators are avoiding responsibilities.

Movies and television programs, novels and creative stories are dominant with vicious violence of all sorts but this is no reason for the real time, real life home invasions, burglaries, daring daylight robberies and murders to come to the forefront of community thinking and hand-wringing.

Preferably it’s fun writing with humor about daily living and the foibles and peccadilloes of politicians, movie stars, tattooed athletes who can’t speak simple sentences and mumble their way through idiotic pre- and post-game interviews.

In days gone by reporters cleaned up the quotes of punch-drunk boxers and other athletes. Today, broadcasters are as profane and inane as their subjects too. Then there are elected national leaders who “cuss” in their interviews.

Tragically today’s citizens can be considered victims of the “home training” or the lack thereof. There are no manners it seems. Many parents are so ill-mannered themselves they think the schools and the educators just have to endure the rude and untrained pupils.
Rules and regulations often prevent those in authority from “correcting” unruly students in far too many classrooms.

Instead of yes ma’am, no ma’am, thank you sir youngsters get away with yeah’s and nopes. They may well be doing their things but parents ought to be held accountable for manners, home training before sending offspring out into the community. Preachers of all stripes should be leading the way and not wishy-washy in their sermonizing.

Yes, crime news is a favorite of news consumers scintillating and keeps the public abreast of the off-kilter conduct which costs governments great deals of money.

One of my favorite school teachers kept control of students with a simple solution – grading.  Bad conduct like sassing the teacher, rudeness or not completing work resulted in “zeroes” on the report card. Administrators stepped in and put the kibosh on this method.
School curriculums should start with Emily Post etiquette classes emphasizing courtesy and maturation.

Naturally many parents would object almost as loudly if public schools required starting the day with the Lord’s Prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance, the Gettysburg Address or the proper way to cook Maryand crab soup.

One of the better weekly reports I see in Frederick are the city and county’s Most Wanted list. These folks aren’t misunderstood. They aren’t innocents either. Most live uneducated, drug-infested and morally bankrupt lives.

Uncaring? Not in the least. Responsibility, good civics and parental guidance make the difference.

Community and political leaders need not feel guilty or throw more money at disruptive people. Hold parents and guardians responsible by issuing tickets with fines for underage conduct.

A president once said “walk softly but carry a big stick.” Another version is “when all else fails, grab the problem by the throat.”

This article has appeared in The Tentacle.